

1% for the planet

As a way of contributing to a better world, we are a member of 1% For The Planet and donate 1% of our sales to non-profits who are working on soil regeneration, education and change in the realm of the food system.

Mr president

“Mother Earth has always been important to me. When I was 10 years old, I sent a letter to the president of France (then Jacques Chirac), with a drawing to tell him that something had to be done about pollution, and he was the one with the power to take action and change something.

I received a thank you letter back from the Champs Elysées, saying that the environment was very important to them and they really appreciated my concerns. But I never saw any useful action being taken from their side, so I started donating my little 10 year old pocket money to Greenpeace, hoping they would save the world.

Fast forward, I’m even more worried about the planet, nature and wildlife, and more so about one of the biggest root causes of climate change: the current food system.

I strongly believe we can change the situation by changing what we eat.
We can reverse soil destruction by supporting regenerative agriculture and eating organic.
We can stop deforestation and monoculture by eating non-processed whole foods, and eating much less, only grass-fed meat.
We can eat more local and seasonal to diminish transportation.

And the best part is that making these choices will bring us more flavor and make us much healthier, too.”
Sarah-Linda Forrer

Every meal is a vote, make it count.

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