#foodporn or the sensuality of eating

by sarah-linda

Photography in collaboration with Elisa Bouchon

Photography in collaboration with Elisa Bouchon

Lavish buffets with sparsely dressed beauties, nude grape-eating greek gods, aphrodisiac foods and finger-licking delicacies… for me, sensuality and food are inherently connected, in more ways than one.

awakening the senses
Smelling, tasting, seeing, touching and even hearing food is all part of eating and enjoying it. It’s not just about putting something in your mouth, but about the experience food creates.

Weather it be an elaborate 7 course fine-dining meal or a simple comfort food, it will awake your senses, bring back memories and emotions. Food can be so many things. It’s cultural, emotional and even political nowadays.
But if you let it, food is above all, sensual.
To fully enjoy eating, you use all your senses. You smell it from far away, you crave it and imagine it. You see it, creating an opinion or an expectation around what you’re about to eat. Before even tasting it, you feel the texture and temperature in your mouth, on your tongue or your fingers. And then, the taste. The best part of it all. The satisfaction and emotion it can create (or not, sometimes..). It’s actually a very carnal experience.
With my porcelain tableware, it’s this sensual aspect that inspired me. I tried to enhance this awakening of the senses, both visually and tactually, by creating sensual, organic and feminine shapes, which feel very natural in your hand.

It says it all. Food and sex are closely related, in a way.
The hunger and desire, the long way leading up to it and the short moment in time of ecstatic pleasure. The animalesque nature of it. Maybe food and sex both simply bring us back to human nature, to our core needs and desires. Both needed for the survival of the species, and both at the root of pleasure and enjoyment. Amazing food can be an orgasm on your tongue, it can be orgiastically good. Aphrodisiacs can enhance your libido, and certain foods can be a kink. You can get addicted or totally lost in the pleasures of taste and texture.
I mean, what’s not sensual about good food?

sensual celebration
To celebrate the sensuality that inspired me to create the Indulge collection, and that still inspires me everyday (nature and sensuality are my endless sources of inspiration), I collaborated with photographer Elisa Bouchon. With her interesting use of textures and color, and her feeling for elegance and sensuality (not to mention her love for good food and her French nationality), it seemed like a great match.
We played with flowers, feminine curves and natural light to create a series of sculptural, sensual images.

An ode to feminine shapes and the sensuality of eating.
See the series here and shop the sensual tableware here.

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